
Walker Evans

I found Walker Evans about 16 years ago, mainly drawn to his FSA work, James Agee collaboration Let Us Now Praise Famous Men, and Cuban photographs.  Above are two takes from his methodical NYC subway project, taken over three years with a hidden camera laid up in his coat.  The series came to be Many Are Called in book form.



Murray Moss and Georg Jensen: Legends in Art and Design

Celebrating more than a century of Danish design and master craftsmanship, Murray Moss' new book for Rizzoli looks back on iconic Georg Jensen pieces that have defined the brand.  The book features photographs that illuminate the hand-hammered surfaces and sensuous curves of some of Georg Jensen's most popular products as well as lesser-known archival treasures. Murray Moss brings his knowledge of the design world to the pages of this fascinating tome.


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In C by Terry Riley

I found this composition while searching for what Bleecker St. looked like in the 1970s. I clicked on a photo of Morton Subotnick, who had a studio on Bleecker back then, and found a site, Critical Terrain. This site also had a blurb on Terry Riley's In C. The constant motion and layers made me feel a simplistic happiness.

Here's what Terry's website says about the composition:

"IN C 1964 - for any instruments - (usual length 45” to 1’45”)score which is the part for all players...The composition that launched the Minimalist movement "In C", with performing directions, in Terry's own manuscript and autographed."

The composition also has its very own Wikipedia entry. Check it for a more in depth look at In C.

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